ERWHI is an open source small SLAM robot. It integrates some human interaction features and machine learning capabilities.
It works on ROS on an Odroid XU4 and Intel Realsense R200 as vision sensor.
Motors are controlled by uNav and uuBridge (a custom uBridge).
To achieve a perfect dynamics study, a special node was created using STM32-Nucleo and MPU9250.
Motors control is based on uNav board.
It's completely compatible with R.O.S.
40x40mm for 2 DC motors speed and torque controls.
uuBridge is a custom motor bridge due original uBridge for uNav as an incompatible voltage (it works over 8V and ERWHI motors are powered at +5V).
The prototype works on DVR8833 by Texa Instruments.
In the near future I migrate to STM STSPIN240.
I shaped a custom encoder kit adapting AMS AS5134 hall effect rotary encoder to Pololu 1000:1 microgearmotors.
You have ABI output and PWM output. Also programming port is exposed.
After Maker Faire Rome 2017, I added a RPlidarA1. It allows ERWHI to take a better 2D SLAM.
Lidar is a gift to Erwhi Project by Alessandro Francescon of Geduino Foundation.
It simply use a STM32 Nucleo F303 board and an Invense MPU9250 to calculate robot dynamics.
The web page was started with Mobirise